"Holding Hands" Snow Crystal Earrings
Handmade sterling silver earrings with sterling frenchwires.
Sterling pendant (with 30 inch black linen cord) Made in honor of the 2009 Winter Special Olympics.
In honor of the three thousdand competing athletes, coaches, supportive family members and organizers of the Winter of 2009 Special Olympics, Idaho Silver smith JC Caccia has created this sterling "Holding Hands" snow crystal pendant / matching earring set. Inspired by the natural beauty of snowflakes (symbolic of Winter) combined with the competitive spirit and inherent sportsmanship qualities characteristic of Special Olympic athletes the design depicts six geometrically shaped figures holding hands and radiating positive energy from the center outwards into the world.
May the wearing of this pendant / earrings reflect your appreciation of the beauty found in Mother Nature and remind you of the Special Olympian's Oath, "let me win, but if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt."